It was like somebody pulled the plug on Shaman's comfortable little bathtub / uterus-home and the water started slowly draining out around 10 pm on the 24th. Mommy Tillie was up most the night with strong, intermittent contractions and finally gently woke Sam up with a piercing shriek at 5:30 AM - WE HAVE GOT TO GO!
OB triage found Tillie in significant pain but only 2 cm dilated. Everyone involved was very lucky that her water had broken. Especially lucky was Sam who would've had to somehow take Mommy-to-be home and deal with her by himself.
Labor progressed well over the next 10 hours. When finally ready to push, Tillie took it to another level and squirted out the little squirt in only 50 minutes!
These are the first known photos of baby Shaman (and family) in existence!
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